Monday, November 30, 2015


Action thriller by Jans Rautenbach
Spanning over a hundred and twenty years, this first novel of Jans Rautenbach is filled with dark secrets and sinister plots, as the “love me, hate me” saga of three generations of the Scheepers family unfolds in this action-packed political thriller, where the line between truth and fiction is so closely intertwined that it will give the reader chills down his spine at times and at times bring the reader to tears. The reader may find it hard to rip himself away from the story line and put the book down. This African adventure is full of twists and turns and will captivate the reader to the very last page.

Frans Scheepers is fifteen years old when he witnesses the murder of his father just after the Second Boer War in 1903, while, on his own property, he tried to save a white rhino and her calf from Zulu warriors (at a time when the rhino species was nearly extinct). Planning revenge, while trying to save a farm and the endangered white rhino species, this breathtaking, action-filled saga takes so many unexpected turns, that the reader will be shocked to silence at times, and sometimes driven to tears, as the drama unfolds in a war-torn country, with an ending that will take the reader’s breath away.

Johannes “Jans” Rautenbach was born in Uitenhage, in the Eastern Cape, and grew up on a farm.  Since there were quite a few males named “Johannes” in the family, he was called Jans from an early age, and does not even answer to the name Johannes anymore.  Jans comes from a family with deep roots in South Africa’s history.  His great-grandfather on his mother’s side, Johannes Jacobus Dorfling, fought in the Second Anglo-Boer War against the British, during which he was taken captive, and was held as a prisoner of war at the St. Helena Island.  His great-grandmother and his grandmother were held in concentration camps in South Africa. 
Jans grew up among black people; his friends on the farm were mostly Xhosa boys.  As a youngster he did not even understand political ramifications of the word “Apartheid”.  Only during the past 20 years has he learned what some of the blacks experienced under earlier white-controlled administrations of South Africa’s government.  In so learning, he has also now realized that the current black-controlled administration began using a type of “reverse-Apartheid” against the whites through affirmative action and various types of laws and practices.  However, though the world had outright condemned Apartheid during the white-controlled government, now for some reason, the world is hypocritically silent about the new oppression against whites, though it is not “officially” called Apartheid.  Although he is the “wrong colour” in the new South Africa, Jans has not been a “racist”; but you could definitely call him a realist.
Jans was a driver / tour guide for the SA Railways for over ten years, and he and his wife, Lizelle, even started their own touring company.  They love the outdoors, gardening, touring and nature, and have visited every nature reserve and game park in South Africa.  Jans and Lizelle have traveled extensively, and Jans has visited more than 35 countries, from Europe to the East and Middle East.  The happily married couple has no children except for their three cats and one dog, and lives in George on the Garden Route, with the most beautiful views of the Outeniqua Mountains and the green belt that borders their house.  Jans is 100% deaf due to a genetic disorder, that had slowly but surely taken away his hearing, and he also has emphysema and a heart condition.  Adding his chronic asthma and hypertension, he is nearly 100% dependant on Lizelle.  Jans has two mottos in life: “Just one day at a time”, and “Do today what you can, as tomorrow may never be”.


Praises for the novel
“Intriguing and insightful story, tricking the reader into forgetting it is fiction!” – J. Theron
“Not only a work of art, but a masterpiece. Two words to conclude: brilliant and extraordinary.” – S. Neethling
“The intrigue and suspense were exhilarating.” – A. Christy
“Die uitleg en vorm wat die storie aanneem van die begin van die eeu tot aan die einde is so goed inmekaar geweef.” – E. Taljaard
“This is a monumental work from a very fertile imagination. It will keep the reader enthralled throughout.” – C. Elgin (Author)
“Jans ken sy geskiedenis en weef elke groot 20ste eeuse gebeurtenis netjies deur die loop van die verhaal in. Die tog saam Jan en Frans en Brand was lekker en ek kon meesal identifiseer met Bloedpan se modelboer. Dankie Jans.” – Steve Hofmeyr (Singer, Actor & Author)

graphic photo's of farm murders In South Africa

Graphic images of Farm Murders in South Africa

The government claim these attacks are normal criminals
Criminals that want to steal from the farms

you tell me if you think these images are that of normal Crime



Watch the video where NELSON MANDELA sings Kill the Whites

                                                Even livestock are killed


Does this look like normal crime?
According to the ANC these crimes are motivated by theft, do you believe that?
does it look like hate crimes to you?
Is there any possibility that these crimes are genocide?

You make up your mind.

Please support us to stop this senseless killings, stop the brutality, our government refuse

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willie beetge gedigte: SWART WAS DIE STORM

willie beetge gedigte: SWART WAS DIE STORM:

 Die donker storm Soos ‘n donker wolk wat vryf en blitse tussen skaduus deur-dryf totdat hy uitwoed en in wit sy reen oor die...

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willie beetge gedigte: soos 'n dief in die nag: Soos ‘n dief in die nag   Stadig maar seker steel jy my reg om terug te veg het jy dan gedink ons slaap ons sien jou nader ...

willie beetge gedigte: benoem na hom 'n straat

willie beetge gedigte: benoem na hom 'n straat:   Eensaam en alleen sit ‘n vrou Andrew het haar gedwing tot rou Bloedbeweke getuig winkel vloer as balke op die grond neer mo...

Saturday, November 28, 2015

political motivation for farm murders

Farm Murders in South Africa

Since the fall of “apartheid” in South Africa, under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, farm murders have become the order of the day. In South Africa today under President Jacob Zuma it is more dangerous to be a white farmer than a policeman and that in a country where crime is totally out of control, a country where crime, rape organised crime and murder has become so normal that the press does not even publish anything about these crimes anymore.

                                                   does this look like a normal crime scene motivated by theft

The farm murders with brutal association of torture believed to be politically motivated have claimed the lives of thousands of innocent farmer. Farmers burned with warm ironing irons, strangled and rape, tortured by their murderers are according the current government only a normal scenes of crime, where they believe the farmer was just an easy target for the criminal.

                                                these graphic image is not that of normal theft motivated crime

The government and associated left wing parties propagate that farm murders are normal and not politically motivated although the brutality of the scenes, the way in which the farmers are killed are everything but normal. 
                                                Why is this farmer murdered outside if the murderers was 
                                                 only after his belongings inside his home

NGO’s like Afriforum and political minority parties have asked government to prioritise these murders, but the ANC government refused. They (the government) claim that the farm murders are no different from the murders in town ships around South Africa, where black on black murders are also occurring daily, where rape and the brutal murders against anyone that do not agree with their murderer ‘s point of view are mutilated and burned. Now if this is true that the farm murders are the same than the political murders of black against black, murders that occur between the Inkhata Freedom Party supporters and the ANC supporters, in which case I fail to understand the government’s propaganda that the farm murders are not politically motivated. I fail to understand that the comparison between clear black on black politically motivated murders and farm murders can exclude the political agenda against farmers.

It is no secret that the ANC (African National Congress of Nelson Mandela) and especially the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters of Julius Malema) are fighting for the redistribution of land, especially farm land. It is no secret that they are buying up farms Nationalise them and then allow black followers to occupy the land. Both the ANC and the EFF are complaining that the redistributions of land are too slow. Is there then no motivation to intimidate farmers, to implement terror attacks on farms to force these farmers to leave their land?
Before I move on from the redistribution of land I need to bring it under your attention that the black population does not benefit from the redistribution program.

                                        Is it  a normal crime to leave a child with a bible and the iron they burned                                             him with, is this brutality normal?

Why do I say that?

Very simple, the new black empowered owner of the land does not get ownership of the land, the land remain the property of the government with no right for the new owner to trade with the land, to use it as security for loans, to make it part of his or her inheritance to their children.
Is this because the ANC want the people without land so that they will not oppose the government when it take land, do the ANC keep black voters poor without rights so that they will always fight the battles of the ANC

I will however discuss this corrupt enrichment system in a later article.

The question if there is no political motivation behind the brutal farm murders can simply be answered.  The government will be in control of more and more land if the white farmers abandon their land and therefore I believe that there is definitely political gain of the terrorist attacks on farms. It is therefore possible that the government is correct in part of their statement, where they say that there is no difference between farm murders and black on black politically motivated murders.  It is clear that political motivation for these brutal murders can exist, it is clear that the allegations of Genocide watch and Afriforum is not totally unfounded.  It is clear that there is political and financial control gained by these politicians if the white farmers move from their farms out of fear for their lives.

How can it not be politically motivated if the President sing “kill the “boer” (farmer), If Julius Malema from the EFF sing kill the boer (farmer)? I fail to understand how the order through the song that their followers sing with them cannot be seen as instigation to murder. Is the order from political leaders to kill not the very reason why minorities claim that the farm murders are politically motivated?

Carte Blanche run this investigation

The farm murders might even be coordinated by the government, why else will murderers walk out of court due to lack of evidence, evidence as simple as fingerprints, why would the ANC run police forget to take fingerprints at a brutal murder investigation. Is it because it is a white farm murder or did the ANC just employed incompetent police officers. Is police officers selected on the base that the criminal must go free? If this is the case the ANC must be an organised crime organisation.

Is this why Jacob Zuma talk to well-known crime syndicates, why does he negotiate with favours in exchange for votes with these crime bosses if he is committed to fight crime. Perhaps I must presume that Jacob Zuma is innocent of collaborating with crime bosses, which will them make him and his government guilty of orchestrating the mass murders and possible genocide in South Africa

I find it difficult to believe the government, do you?

Watch the video of The President singing the song

Watch the video where EFF leader sing “kill the farmer”

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Carli J. Myers - All the King's Horses (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)

the soap box rulers of anarchy

Soapbox "Killing the whites" with Julius Malema

Not only Black South Africans lost land during the apartheid rule, but also the Afrikaner. From the period where white Afrikaner left the Cape, then under the rule of the British Empire, they have acquired land from the local Black inhabitants of the then south Africa.

During the Apartheid rule that follow lot of these farmers and settlers were moved to make place for the homelands for the Black South Africans.
The then tribal leaders signed treaties with the Boer trekkers, they barter and exchange land for cattle, protection against the rule of Shaka the Zulu king. During this article I will look at one of the treaties made directly with the Zulu King at the time.

The piece of land in question known as Port Natal and all the land annexed to it from the Tugela westwards to the Omsoboebo river in the west, to the North as far as the land is workable and under control of the Zulu Kingdom, was traded if the Boer nation could recover 9000 cattle that was stolen from the Zulu Kingdom. Once the contract was concluded a document was signed to transfer this land.

Under the apartheid rule this and many similar acquired land was redistributed to become homelands and tribal owned land. These contracts of the predecessors give the Afrikaner land claims larger than even that of King Goodwill, making the claims of stolen land for the masses unlawful.
The point that I try to make is that redistribution of land cannot be classified under the banner that all land was stolen by the apartheid government from the original people of the area. The process is much more complex.

The claims of parties with the likes of Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom fighters claiming that all land was stolen, is only a soapbox operators control of the poor masses in the country. They claim that they will deliver Economic Freedom to the people, using their Nationalisation policies. Yes we all know that that the Nationalisation and economic freedom does not exist in the same sentence, but the poor people running and rioting through the streets in their name does not understand that Nationalisation is where the government take everything and only make you workers, workers with no economic freedom, Workers with no property rights, workers that cannot partake in the economical processes and business rights in the country. They do not see that the soapbox dwellers are chasing after the gold for themselves and not for the people of the land; they do not understand that they are merely pawns in the process of anarchy and that this anarchy must prevail to keep the soapboxes and wealth with their leaders.

Parties and movement occupy soapbox control, lying to the same people that allow them the control, it always make me wonder what these so called corrupt leaders will scream from their stages if all the land was redistributed, if the people that kept them on their podiums are now satisfied with no more need for them.

Will parties with the like of the EFF have any purpose in a peaceful South Africa; will Unions under COSATO have any sunlight if the anarchy in South Africa becomes a peaceful process of building the country for all? Will their shadows whip up new lies to keep the population in the dark, to enable them to continue the corrupt control?

When will the people realise that their heroes are merely the new thieves of their rights, they are merely the “New order”, the new “Apartheid” leaders? This will only happen if the masses are educated, educate to understand the difference between economic freedom and communism.
Is this the reason why government do not educate the people; is this the reason why the Education system remains a failure in the country?

To conclude I believe that the podiums of radical leaders cost their followers more than just money, it cost them their right to a peaceful existence. These people live in a crime invested environment, where their lives are worth nothing and that all to keep the soapbox dwellers in control. We can see that all land did not even belong to the black people when apartheid started, we see that trade and peace did exist pre-apartheid.
The control the crime and the murders have become a trademark under the newly found corrupt government, murders to keep the anarchy alive, murders against black and white, murders against white farmers. Brutality that is unknown to a civilised world and that all in the name of peace, in the name of the soapbox control of the masses.
You the so called leader of the people should be ashamed of your selfish actions, of you gold digging mentality.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

some videos on the situation in Syria

Some You tube videos on the situation in Syria

Who is who in the syrian Zoo

Who is who in the zoo

Russian war plane shot down by Turkey

According to CCN the western world and NATO approved the action of the Turkish, shooting down the Russian jet early yesterday morning. The Russians claimed that the jet did not violate Turkish airspace. President Putin the Russian president has called it a stab in the back, claiming that the plane was at no point a danger to the Turkish.

The Russian aircraft according to Putin was flying towards ISIS targets, NATO claims that the Russians has used the route close and over Turkey to launch attacks against Syrian rebel forces.
The question now is, did the US lead NATO and Turkey draw the line on Russian involvement and how will Russia react to new line drawn in the sand?

The statement by Russian president that “this is a stab in the back” can shake the entire regions cages, forcing countries to decide if they support the Russian attacks on ISSIS or if they sympathize with the NATO and the Turkish government. Will the support from Russian after the French terror attacks swing the French support towards Russia or will the French government follow NATO and the USA condemning the Russian involvement?

The one thing that is clear at this stage is that there is no longer place on the fence, none of the countries can any longer sit on the fence approving the Russian attacks and stance of the USA and NATO at the same time.
The final questions that will hang over the outcome of the investigation will be.

Who will become who in the Syrian Zoo?

Will the Russians stop their attacks on ISIS allowing them (ISIS) to recover and regroup?

The cages of support has now been cleared and awaiting countries to claim them, on the one side it will be the ISIS supporters and on the other side the cages for those fighting ISIS.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

breaking news russian warplane shot down in Turkey

Russian War shot down by Turkey

At the moment is not yet clear who will be held responsible for the war plane going down. Both the Russians and the Turks have their own view of the incident.

The Russians claimed that the plane was shot down on the Syrian side of the border, While the Turkey government claim that the plane transgressed into their airspace, at this time I cannot verify any of the account as all my information is based on "hear say"

I do however have a few questions.
The Turkish government claim that they warned the Russian plane 10 time before it was shot down, my question is:
What was the warning, did they warn him to leave Turkish air-space immediately, or did they ask him to land? this question will be extremely important during the investigation and might swing the outcome totally.

If the plane was asked to leave the airspace and was shot down on the Syrian side of the border, it might just mean that the Turkish F 16's was in the wrong, if however they asked the Russian plane to land and it ignored the commands the outcome can swing.
The main political question will however be, did the Turkeys government send a clear message to Russia that they are supporting the Islamic state in their clash against Russia.

I will post as soon as I have more information.

If you have any reliable information please comment on the post

Puttin warns turkey of serious consequences

The report from Reuters on the events.

Cassandra's Legacy: Fortress Europe: a wall to keep foreigners out?

Cassandra's Legacy: Fortress Europe: a wall to keep foreigners out?: ".....   the   buffer zone has disappeared. The geographical transition from civilization to barbarism is now no longer grad...


Presidential speeches, press releases and general introduction of law have become more and more questionable. The power that the rulers have and the influence of the taxpayer and voters have deteriorated over the past few decades.

I am looking at non taxpayers running through the streets of Europe, Africa and The USA, demanding that the president and their parliaments listen to them, demanding while burning the infrastructure belonging to the tax-payers, voters and law obeying citizens to ashes. Armed with slogans and banner the mobs rip and shatter windows looting shops in the name of peace and basic human rights. Peace that only belong to the most brutal mob, to the mob that create the most havoc the mob that burn and cause the most destruction and injure the most innocent on the streets. They demand that the laws prosecuting them be changed, that the police officers must stand down all in the name of order and peace.

On a soap box I see an instigator screaming untrue slogans to whip the crowd up, initiating a mob mentality with the instinct of a pack of wolves. For the moment the soapbox occupier has the power and he loves it, his power only last while the mob has something to protest about and will become zero if the mob achieves their aims. He cannot allow peace as that will remove his new found power from him, he need to keep the requests out of reach for the authorities to ensure that he remain the king of the soap box.

Tax-payers sit in front of their television sets watching the havoc down the streets, watching how the soap box king order the hungry wolves to destroy their contributions to the infrastructure, and this all in the name of human rights.

Funny that the human right fighters normally do not contribute any tax money to the maintenance of the human rights that they demand, funny how begging has become a right, how the man with the hat in the hand has become the potential president of tomorrow. How the soap box intimidator become a political figure as long as he can maintain the chaos in the streets.

The new requirement for a president seems to be the one that can instigate the wolves, not any longer the one with an educational background, with the knowledge of how to build an economy. If he cannot maintain the level of control on the soap box he has become nothing, his knowledge and educational ability has become irrelevant.

Against the walls you see the law enforcement agencies using shields to protect themselves from the peace seeking mob, withholding their ability to protect as that will be politically incorrect. I see how many Law officers bleeding from their heads where the peaceful protesters have injured them. In the mob I recognise the people that are only here to destroy, the people who does not even belong in the country, but they demand rights that not even the law obeying citizens and tax payers have.

I see how presidents react remain politically correct by giving the crowd what they want, the soapbox man has now lost his power. I see how he start chanting that whatever was given was not enough, he start projecting his voice with new demands, demands that the crowd did not even know about when they joined the peaceful charge through the streets.

The questions hammering in my confused mind are:

When will the wolf crowd be satisfied?

When will the soapbox puppet become a man with gratitude?

Then the main question:
Did these beggars organise the march or is there some other political agenda behind it?
Once again I remember that the South African president is a convicted man, a man without any future after the presidency, I realise that his training was how to destroy the infra structure of the country, I remember that his party once were the soapbox operators, the initiators of havoc.

The question remain
Who pull the strings and who follow the strings of the puppets in parliament?

Willie Beetge

Monday, November 23, 2015

Permanent Rebellion: land occupations

Permanent Rebellion: land occupations: ‘LAND OCCUPATIONS ARE THE NEW WAY OF DOING LAND REFORM’ Issued by the Food Sovereignty Campaign December 2011 For the white owners of Sout...

Stolen Land

One of the biggest debates is South Africa are the redistribution of land, Where the newly elected majority claim that their land were stolen by the apartheid government.

We sit with different views and different approaches to the solution of the problem, the ANC government with the current view of willing buyer and willing seller, the EFF (economic Freedom Fighters) believing that the farm land must just be occupied Zimbabwe style and given to the majority, and then the Farmers who is absolutely prepared to discuss redistribution with a fair price to allow the farmer and their families to relocate of even buy other farms in Africa.

Both the ANC and the EFF have a huge flaw in their approach towards redistribution and their views of the history of the land ownership.

Firstly the ANC believe that the courts should handle redistribution according to the laws of the country and that the land should be bought up by the government, becoming government property allowing black empowered farmers to farm these lands. One of the major flaws in this system is the land ownership and the ability of the new owner to trade freely on the property.

The EFF who believe that land must just be occupied have exactly the same problem with a different face, if occupation is not recognised by the law the economic freedom of the new owner become zero and the value of the land will now be measured on the principle of the strongest survive. Where the occupier of today will only remain in power of the land till a new stronger group decide to occupy the farm, the financial value of the land will therefore be zero.

Both these systems of redistribution exclude the new owner from free trade and especially bank assistance, causing the new empowered business to be born dead, relying on government subsidies. During the past 20 years we saw the government building houses for the previously disadvantage allowing them to rent it from government, at no point did any of these beneficiaries became legal owners of the property and therefore at no point did they benefit economically from these project. The only winner was the government who improved and redistribute land to themselves.

Why does government not allow these people to own the land?

The answer to this is reasonably simple, if the black majority have land they will become part of the opposition, they will become part of the property owners in South Africa, part of the people that will resist Nationalization of property. As soon as the majority become economically empowered they will not vote for a promise any longer, they will not allow a corrupt government to rule and steal their property any longer. Keeping the masses without education and without basic property right where they are still dependant on government, ensure them that the people will keep the corrupt government in power.

The EFF are currently using the slow transformation to their advantage, they rally thousands of potential voters to occupy land illegally to ensure that these people will rather vote for them. Due to the fact that they rely on the poorly educated voters to empower their personal cause, they need to destroy the real history of land ownership in South Africa without any questions. They need an audience that do not ask intelligent questions, like how can I be economically free under your rule, if you believe in Nationalization. How can I be empowered if all the major business excludes me from ownership due your Nationalization policies of these businesses?

The potential voters fail to ask both the ANC and the EFF, how does BEE helps me if the system only changes the white ruler with a black ruler? How can you lead us to success if both your leader are accused of corruption, corruption not against the white rulers of yesterday, but corruption against us.

The EFF fails to tell their people that pre-apartheid trade did exist; they fail to acknowledge that the majority of white farmers bought their property from black leader and that those farms cannot be classified as stolen property. They fail to explain that their ancestors did not farm and were quite willing to sell the unused land to the White Afrikaners arriving in the land. They fail to explain that the crops that are growing on these farms are not indigenous it has been imported with the colonialist farmers.

This failure of recognising and acknowledging trade History is absolutely not because they did not know, it is due to the fact that this history will remove the power from them, it will disable their violent rallies through the streets. They will not be able to whip the crowd up with things like “they stole your land”.

Like I said in a previous post once a terrorist or violent protester always a violent leader, neither the ANC nor the EFF can rule a peaceful country, they need the violence, they need people to rally behind their violent causes, and they need a country that is always at the brink of civil war.
In conclusion the resolution of redistribution of farm land that is currently on the table is and will remain a failure as long as it is driven by emotions and not by viable economic logic. The voters and masses will only benefit if the government allow them to become economically free, they do not benefit from BEE or any of these systems. BEE is designed to empower the minority of black people in South Africa. Lastly Empowered people do not vote for corrupt governments.

I welcome your views on this matter.

Willie Beetge

Friday, November 20, 2015

The world is burning and we finance it

ISIS infiltrate Europe with the so called refugees, I will call them so called until they comply with the definition of refugees. When war break out in my country we move the women and children as refugees to other regions, we do not move the men and leave the women and children. According to me the refugees are part of the infiltration plan of ISIS, the biggest tragedy is the fact that the victims in the Paris murders have paid tax money allowing their government to set up refugee relieve programs, a relieve program that allow ISIS to infiltrate the country. The two swear word in the Western civilisation that cause the gap for the ISIS plan is “political correctness and racism”. 

The ISIS or ISIL (Barak Obama interpretation) violence is not new, the same tactics were used in South Africa by the ANC to destabilise the country. The western countries with their newly found “political correctness” supported the murders of innocent black civilian’s in South Africa to achieve the destruction and destabilisation of the country. Innocent black people were burned alive, stoned to death in the streets of South Africa, any person that did not agree with the “politically correct ANC were brutally murdered. ISIS or ISIL did exactly the same. These murders did not stop after the ANC under Nelson Mandela came to power in South Africa in fact it intensified and spread to the white population. Murders paid for by western and white South African tax money.

Any terrorist group thrive under destabilisation, they thrive under unrest conditions and they prey on the political correctness and racism driven by the liberal governments in the West. Unrest and destabilisation is so much part of these groups that even when they come into power they do not know how to remain in power without it. Their primary aim is based in power and self-enrichment
Let me explain these aims with examples from my own country

The minority of South Africans are paying tax in an effort to be political correct and to build the country up; this same minority is victims of crimes committed by the government with their tax money. When I make this statement I refer to the numerous farm murders of white South African citizens and the refusal of the government to handle it as a priority crime.

The only reaction of government on agriculture in South Africa is the redistribution of Land, and all the efforts to do so have been a huge failure. The redistributed land has become unproductive with a real threat to the food security in the country. White farmers are paying tax and the same tax money is used to redistribute their land. White South Africans (not farmers) are paying tax to a bankrupt government in an effort to create a stable economy, in an effort to assist with work creation for the under privilege in the country. 

The Budget shows that there is not enough funds to build houses for the poor, but there is enough to build a presidential home of millions, there is enough to buy a presidential plain, that out class even the presidential planes of first world countries.
During the same budget meetings the defence and police budgets come under question, with the result that we do not have enough policemen and women to protect the tax payers in South Africa, but we have enough money to have the largest cabinet in the world. We have enough money to buy the most expensive vehicles on the market for all these cabinet members. We have enough money to allow the Chinese to import tax free into South Africa, to put pressure on the economy with product previously made in South Africa. We have enough money to allow companies to lay off thousands of workers due to imports.

Some of the government enrichment schemes does not make sense, take the enormous amount of money spend on the arms deal, where the president made millions in corrupted bribe money, but at the same time we cut our defence budget, made the military so small that they cannot operate the new arms acquired. We opened our borders to all African countries to come in and work, but our own unemployment figures are horrendous.

The possible genocide of white South Africans became a reality, although the majority of tax money is paid by the same people. Farmers and white South Africans are murdered at an alarming rate, without any assistance from government. Farm murderers are arrested and released due to lack of evidence, evidence as simple as finger prints are not collected at these crime scenes. This lack of evidence is the responsibility of the government employed police force paid with the tax money of the very same person brutally murdered.

Over the past twenty years the white tax payers and the Black voters were the most neglected in the country. Education, health care, safety and security and the general infra structure has collapsed, while the cadres of the ANC have thrived.
If I look at the farm murders, the lack of government interest, if I look at the redistribution of land and the drive to eliminate the Afrikaans language I can probably build a very interesting conspiracy theory around the facts and statistics. Such a conspiracy theory will at least lift the blame of incompetency of the government.

As we can see the ANC government are committed and stay committed to destabilise the country, to ensure that the country is in uprising, while their pockets are filled with the fruits of corruption. While in the eyes of the politically correct west they are the God send to Africa. This atrocity is funded with western and South African tax money. Money that you and I pay enabling the terrorist to destabilise us.

Political correctness and racism has driven the west in support of communism where the state (government) has all the benefits and the voters (at this stage) are the pawns destabilising the country in order for them to rule.

The undoubtable question will be, how long will the tax payers tolerate the abuse before they will follow the avenues so clearly laid down by the ANC and ISIS, to strike and run like un mannered idiots through the streets, burning cars and necklace (the practice to use tyres filled with petroleum around someone’s neck and set them alight in the streets) anyone not agreeing with them.?

How long will it take before we reject political correctness and start making a live for us the voters and tax payers, creating work for the unemployed and reject the money hunger terrorist groups and world controlling banking systems?

The world is burning and you are paying for it to burn!!!!!

Willie Beetge