Monday, August 20, 2018

So who landed on the moon

As a state of confusion flow like dry ice over my soul, I realise that questions become more and answerless. I suppose I can say that I am considering conspiracy theories. This is however not true or at least so I hope. 

My quest for truth is hampered by double standard followed by my world to evaluate evidence. I refer here to the value of theory to the fact. The legal system that refuses theory whereas the scientific association can judge based on theory. 

Now if this is true we have a problem not only a moral but factual theoretical blanket. Some of these theories that we based our entire belief systems on will be dismissed as hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence in the judiciary system.

I do get it, you cannot convict someone without irrevocable facts based on admissible evidence. These facts are and should be tested under several conditions and the result should be the same. 

Based on this I fail to understand that anyone can accept a fact because it is based on theory. Perhaps the dictionaries and I define theory wrong. Perhaps the real meaning of theory should be scientific fact.

Now I do not intend to question the men and women with the books on their shelves and the thick glasses on their noses. I do not find it viable to argue or scream conspiracy as my knowledge in the field of questioning might be as insignificant as the speck of my footprints in the theoretical Universe.

I know you will answer the majority of my questions with the theory of relativity so I will attempt to ask them within a framework where you can.
Relative to my ability or thought patterns the question might and will be more significant to me than to a theoretically minded well-read scientist, so please keep this in mind when you answer me. 

I believe that the theory of relativity will theoretically allow me to come to different conclusions as I do not have the ability to apply unproven theory to my small mind. I have to base my understanding on my physical experience and historical knowledge enforced upon me. 
I beg of you not to attempt the tower of Babel or the confusion of terminological language upon my ignorant ear.

In this article, I will confine myself in one scenario.

I stumbled upon this recording of President Barack Obama giving the good news that NASA is developing technology to take men past earth outer ring. The Van Allen belt I believe. Well according to my limited knowledge Obama’s presidency was well after 1969, and men walked on the moon in 1969. The moon is according to the theory of the Universe further than the Van Allen belt and far outside the outer space of earth. As promised I am not screaming conspiracy I believed every word Obama said.

I start searching and found the reply from NASA to exactly that question, they claimed that they have lost the technology to go to the moon. Let say they did give all the data to an incompetent secretary who filed all those data (7 tons I believe) into file 13.

Will it be unreasonable of me to ask why don’t they phone the still living members who worked on the project. Or is there a possibility that the phones do not work in the NASA sphere. You see if I base my beliefs totally on the theory that is a possibility I can prove it in my words. 

I am now praying every night that they must protect the technology of the wheel. I cannot imagine living without it. Imagine the disaster when you rock up at the tire place and they inform you that they cannot help you because that technology does not exist any longer.

You all scream that is impossible and you know I agree with you.

There is obviously another explanation within the flat earth theories, and that is that the Moon and Son are internal lights to the earth. This would make it possible to land on the moon without leaving the outside atmosphere of earth. That would also explain the flag blowing on the theoretical atmosphere-less Moon.

What exactly did I proof now, did I proof a flat earth or that everybody lied about the moon landing. I am not even sure.

Are you?

Men and women in the white coats please answer my quest, show me the facts that prove the theory, show me the truth that leads me through my dark mind.

Prove to me that I am only a speck of dust and what I just wrote does not really exist. 
Perhaps we are stuck in a time loop and might it be the 1st of April.

Willie Beetge (20/08/2018)